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Nos oiseaux migrateurs-Our migrant birds- I nostri uccelli migratori

Cliquez sur l'oiseau désiré - Click the bird you want - clicca sull'uccello che desideri

Avocette élégante Pied avocet Avocetta
Canard chipeau Gadwall Canapiglia
hirondelle de rivage Sand Martin Rondine delle rive
oie cendrée Greylag goose Oca selvatica
spatule blanche Eurasian Spoonbill Spatola
Bécasse des bois Eurasian Woodcock Beccaccia
Milan Royal Red Kite Nibbio reale
Pinson des arbres Chaffinch Fringuello
Bernache nonnette Barnacle goose Oca facciabianca
Echasse blanche Black- winged Stilt Cavaliere d'Italia
Guillemot de Troïl Common Guillemot Uria
Huitrier pie Eurasian Oystercatcher Beccaccia del mare
Sterne Pierregarin Common Tern Sterna comune
Oie du Canada Canada goose Oca del Canada
Martinet Housemartin Rondone
Rossignol Nightingale Usignolo
Flamant rose Greater Flamingo Fenicottero
Hirondelle de fenêtre Northern house martin Balestruccio
Milan noir Black Kite Nibbio bruno
Nette Rousse Red-crested Pochard Fistione turco
Canard colvert Mallard Duck Germano reale
Cigogne White Stork Cigogna bianca
Grèbe huppé Great Crested Grebe Svasso maggiore

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