Index-Indice | Oiseaux-Birds-Uccelli | Jeux-Games-Giochi | Autour des oiseaux-Curious Birds-Curiosità sugli uccelli |



Our project “The roots and the wings”, registered in the context Socrates Comenius 1, sees the end of its second year.

This CD rom produced in three languages presents specific migratory birds to each of our regions with technical documents, pictures, games, poetry, nursery rhymes. . .

The interdisciplinary skills have been put into practice by each of our partners.

As last year, a great deal of research work has been undertaken in each school with one thing in common, the hard work on the way and the end of term reunions which have reunited the teachers involved in the project.

All the documents have been translated into the three languages which make up this booklet and CD rom. The booklet gives an introduction to the birds which are described in detail on the CD rom.

In concluding the project next year we will make a table-top game “game of the goose” working together on the theme of the preceding flowers and birds study.

The pupils at each of the partner schools will meet together in May 2006 to work together shaping their joint venture.

Janine Pruvost