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White stork

Scientific and Latin name : Cigonia cigonia

Group : ciconiidea

Description :
height : from 100 to 115 cm

bill : red, 19 cm, long and thick

legs : tall, red and orange

plumage: white and black

Diet : insects (coleopthears, orthopteras…), frogs, voles, tritons, snakes, fishes, molluscs (slugs, snails…), and other small animals…

Habitat : rural landscapes with little vegetation (meadows), dampness and proximity of water is appreciated, especially ponds and marshes. Cultivated land with damp meadows and marshes. Nests on buildings, trees and pylons.

Migration :
Mating: (spring, summer) : France, Spain, Portugal.

Winters in Africa.

In France, it is a protected species.

Life span : 25 years

Call : the beak’ claps together.

The stork lays from 4 to 5 eggs.